The Aromatic Bean, Home Coffee Roasting Equipment and Supplies

Friday, October 28, 2005


I can't believe it ya'll, but Camden officially turned ONE YEAR OLD at 8:05 a.m. this morning! Time has really FLOWN by!! I feel alittle shocked and awed by it all!

I can remember the minute he was out in the world (I had a C section, by the way), I don't think I was ever so SCARED in my whole entire life!! But now, I couldn't imagine him not being here...he is really such a joy to us both.

We took him to Casa Ole for a early birthday dinner and he did so well! He ate his dinner from this little plastic plate and drank water from a straw (although, he did like sticking his hand in the cup to feel the water too----it was MY water, so I didn't drink alot after that--GROSS!). He behaved PERFECTLY!! Danny was alittle apprehensive about taking him out to eat---we generally just order dinner to go and eat at the house.

We are having the big birthday bash at our house on Saturday. The birthday party went from being grandparents only to bigger than I really wanted. So far, about 25 people are going to be there. Did I mention I live in a very small house. I AM NOT GOING TO STRESS!!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

One more thing!

Forgot to post the most important thing.....CAMDEN WILL BE ONE YEAR OLD TOMMORROW!

I can't believe that this time last year I was HUGE AND PREGNANT and carrying this most wonderful child. And NOW, he is a TODDLER!! OH MY GOSH!!! I am the mother of a TODDLER!!

He is such a wonderful boy! I feel that we really have been blessed!

Still sleep deprived!!

Camden is still waking up during the middle of the night and just crying and crying and crying. I really don't know what to do!

He was up at midnight last night. I checked on him and he was fine. I cuddled him for a minute and he went right back to sleep. Then he was up every hour starting about 3:00 a.m. He would whine and cry and then get tired and go back to sleep. I didn't go in those times, although maybe I should have?!!??!

I don't know if he is going through separatioin anxiety or what....he NEVER crys when we put him to bed in the evenings.

I'm hoping that if I let him cry it out for a few minutes that he will go back to his regular routine. Until then, I am POOPED!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Voting times is upon us again - let me state my view on the most controversial item. I am AGAINST Proposition Two!

Seriously people, I don't think we can tell other people how to live their lives. It's ridiculous to say that two people can't AT LEAST have a civil union in order to get benefits for their partner and/or children by that partner. I've seen some fabulous examples that there are gay people better adjusted as a parent/couple than a majority of the straight people I know.

As far as the sanctity of marriage----umm....let's look at the facts. 50% of the marriages end in DIVORCE!!!! Do the people getting married actually uphold the sanctity of marriage when they get divorced as soon as things get rough?

I'm Christian, married, with a wonderful child, a very conservative family, but this is just something that I cannot vote to put in our constitution!!


Let me set the scene:(yesterday evening about 9:00. Got home from work about 6:00, cooked dinner, cleaned kitchen, bathed baby, ate dinner, and just sat down to relax)

Danny: Honey?
Me: Yes (but in my mind going Grrrrrrrr)
Danny: I need a pair of pants ironed.
Me: I'll do it in a minute (but in my mind going double Grrrrrrrr)

A couple of minutes pass

Danny: Honey?
Me: Yes (but in my mind going GRRRRRR....WHAT??!?!??!)
Danny: Sweetie, please don't forget to iron my pants.
Me: I won't (but in my mind going....GO IRON THE *$&%& PANTS YOURSELF)

A couple of minutes pass

Danny: I'll just go set up the ironing board for you.
Me: Thanks honey. I PROMISE I won't forget the pants (in my mind going: ALRIGHT already!!!)
Danny: Well, if you aren't going to iron them, I'll just do it myself!! Huff

I ended up ironing those pants!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Office Politics are SOOOO stupid!

Ponderings from a Mom

I hate office politics! It is the most stupid thing about working anywhere....and it always seems to come up.

Let me just say, my job is okay, but aren't we all just here for the paycheck ANYWAY!!??!!


Ponderings from a Mom

Danny is getting his truck painted this week - so we are car-pooling. We work about a block away from each other.

It has been so nice to have him with me in the morning. It's so fun to go after work and pick up Camden together. He was SO excited to see his Daddy yesterday. He was just beside himself!!

Friday, October 21, 2005

New goal!

I've decided to have a new goal of seeing how long I can go without using a credit card. It will be fairly interesting to see how much I just pull it out to buy non-necessity items (clothes, shoes, etc.). What is really going to be interesting is that I've really been having the urge to go on a shopping spree! I haven't gone shopping in a LONG TIME! Mostly because it is so hard to drag all the baby stuff with you all the time (diaper bag, stroller, toys, etc). And I've found it is SO HARD to try on clothes with a baby in tow. Just getting into a changing room is very challenging!!

FORGOT CAMDEN'S DIAPER BAG AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! I must be losing my mind! I'm about to go retreive it, but decided to be extra smart and just leave it in the office!

Thursday, October 20, 2005


I'm running so late today!

We got up late, got Camden up late, got ready late.....then just as I was running out the door....BLAHHHHH.......Camden spit up everywhere! GGGGRROOOSSSSSS!!

So, changed him, changed me, got everything situated, out the door, RUNNING VERY LATE!!
Got him to daycare---I usually like to spend alittle time with him in the morning, but had no choice today but to do one of those DROP OFF AND RUN things. Got to work with 1 WHOLE MINUTE TO SPARE!!

And I'm still smiling!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I have a feeling that Camden is working me over!

I posted before that he was getting up during the night for a few weeks. Well, when I went to Austin the last time and he was home with his dad, he started sleeping ALL the way through the night. Geez, I was psyched! The thought of having 8 hours straight sleep was a very enjoyable thought.

But, it was ONLY a thought! I was back for just a few days and guess what? Every night since then, he wakes up crying and screaming about 3 or 4 in the morning. I've tried letting him cry it out and that is totally miserable. So, just to keep the peace and quiet around the house, I get up with him and cuddle him on the couch for a few minutes and he usually goes back to sleep. I have a feeling that he knows EXACTLY what he is doing.

Anyway, I need suggestions from "experienced" moms!

Oh, I definately remembered to bring his diaper bag today!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


I swear, today I would lose my head if it weren't connected to me already! I left the house today to take Camden to nursery school and forgot his diaper bag, bottles, etc. Once we arrived at school, I realized it.

SO, had to drop him off, call my boss, go back home and retrieve everything and drop it back off to school. I was hoping I could sneak in and leave it without him seeing me. NO SUCH LUCK!! He was at the door with Ms. Barbara and when he saw me, he started yelling "mamamamamamama." Then, he literally leaped from her arms to me. I caught him and held him for a minute then had to PEEL him off me so I could go to work. He started screaming and wailing---he usually cries when I leave, but not like this. It was absolutely awful!! Daycare sucks!! I feel like a terrible mother and I really just want to run back over there, pick him up and run out of that place and be a stay at home mom. Sigh.......

Okay, back to reality! That was not how I like to start out the day. Hopefully, everything will get back in sync!

Monday, October 17, 2005


Camden & I finally have gotten over our Danny is sick! I think we are passing the same cold to each other over and over and over!

We did a late "spring" cleaning this weekend. Washed and ironed the curtains, scrubbed the floors and baseboards, etc, etc, etc. Danny helped alot. It has been so nice outside that just kept the windows open and aired out the house too. So wonderful having a clean house---at least for a little while!!

This week is Yamboree week in Gilmer - -
I know that is super cheesy, but I love the Yamboree! I am planning to take one day off this week and go. It will be so nice to see old friends and take Camden to ride the Merry-go-Round and generally visit & just enjoy the whole thing!!

Got cute pictures of Camden in his "time-out" chair. Ummm....he loves the time out chair. Everytime I put him in it, he just starts giggling and laughing. I need to re-think the whole discipline thing!

I swear one of these days, I WILL post the pics!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Hey y'all!

This has been such a good week! This weather has been making me feel so great...been about 82 degrees and sunny with very little humidity. Fall is my favorite time of year!

Camden is getting so tickled with himself. He is crusing around all the furniture. I had baby proofed the furniture with all these bumper pads that you stick on with double sided tape. I felt like such an efficient smart mom! Well, my little Mr. Man went right behind me not an hour later and pulled them off.

He IS a baby genius!!

Thursday, October 13, 2005


I couldn't stand waiting any longer so I called the BTPE and asked. I am Soooooooooo RELIEVED!! It is stressful just thinking you've put in FIVE YEARS of work and classes and it all comes down to ONE TEST!!

I had to take Camden back to the doctor's office Tuesday. He has another ear infection. So back on the antibiotics AGAIN! He is still very congested and coughing alot too. Doctor said it was just a cold.

He had his first school pictures taken yesterday. I hope they turn out well!

Monday, October 10, 2005


I am soooo glad to be home! Again, LOVE the city, got to eat at some great restaurants, but I missed sleeping in my own bed and being with my family!

If you ever go to Austin, go to Sixth Street and eat at the Boiling Pot. REALLY good Cajun food! They just put butcher paper on the table and throw the food down. No silverware or anything---but they do give you a bib! hahaha. I needed one after that meal!

The RPA test was extremely hard! I started out aiming for at least a I just hope I passed! Will find out this stomach is in KNOTS!!

Camden is so cute! We took him to the Pumpkin Patch at St. Lukes Methodist Church and took pictures. He was not too impressed with the whole deal, but he liked putting his face through this little pumpkin cut out. SO CUTE!!