Voting times is upon us again - let me state my view on the most controversial item. I am AGAINST Proposition Two!
Seriously people, I don't think we can tell other people how to live their lives. It's ridiculous to say that two people can't AT LEAST have a civil union in order to get benefits for their partner and/or children by that partner. I've seen some fabulous examples that there are gay people better adjusted as a parent/couple than a majority of the straight people I know.
As far as the sanctity of marriage----umm....let's look at the facts. 50% of the marriages end in DIVORCE!!!! Do the people getting married actually uphold the sanctity of marriage when they get divorced as soon as things get rough?
I'm Christian, married, with a wonderful child, a very conservative family, but this is just something that I cannot vote to put in our constitution!!
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