The Aromatic Bean, Home Coffee Roasting Equipment and Supplies

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Easter Eggs & Sticks

Easter 2006 was a success.

The Easter bunny visited, we had an Easter egg hunt, went to a great church service and got to enjoy the long weekends.

This picture is kind of funny. He was wearing shorts, but they were so baggy it looked really bad high water pants! Poor baby!!

Camden was more interested in picking up sticks than he was hunting the eggs. But he finally got the hang of it. He ended up not taking a nap until 3:30 that afternoon. I couldn't let him sleep that long or he would never want to go to bed that evening. That was the first time in a LONG time that he went to bed without a fight!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Our Wild & Crazy Weekend

Alright, I was just kidding about the 'wild & crazy' part, but we did have fun!

Saturday, Danny's stepdad offered to watch Camden while we did our Walmart shopping. Going to Walmart with an 18-month child, I've found is very challenging. So we readily accepted this offer. I couldn't believe how relaxing it was to go down every aisle without having to wrestle him to stay in the buggy, not having to have a trail of goldfish crackers behind us everywhere we go, not having to go behind him and pick up apple juice bottles that he pushed down..........ahhhhhhhh!! I know you're thinking he might be a holy terror, but really, he isn't. He's just a bit spoiled and adored MAYBE too much by us! I can't help it....I go from being really aggravated with him to thinking he the cutest thing I've ever seen in my whole entire life.

Anyway, David bought him a bubble gun and they spend the whole afternoon making bubbles, playing in dirt, sliding down the slide, and picking up sticks (I don't know why but he loves stacking sticks??!!). Out of all the grandparents, he loves David the best.

This morning Camden & I went to church. I haven't been in several months so I decided this morning being Palm Sunday and all that it would be a good time to start. So off we went. I went to Rose Heights and they were having a special. They had the Longview Symphony Orchestra accompanying them. I was really impressed. It was very beautiful and very professional. Camden fell asleep during some of it, but once he woke up, he really enjoyed the music----especially the drums.

THEN to top that off, Today we got another two hours of child care. Danny's mom watched him and we went over to David's apartment and he fixed us dinner. Salmon, mushrooms & onions, stuffed mushrooms, wild rice and bagettes. He is a terrific cook and the meal was spectacular! If David ever needed a place to live, I would let him live with us RENT FREE if he agrees to cook....he is just all around terrific! Besides Danny & Camden, he is one of my favorite people I know.

Other than that we did the regular routine.....worked in the yard, cleaned the house, planted flowers, picked up mac N cheese out of the carpet (another 18 month old thing!), and played with Camden. Yup, we are some WILD & CRAZY kids!

Saturday, April 08, 2006


See Steve, I told you I was going to say something nice about you on my blog!

Let's see---our big news this weekend. We actually convinced someone to watch Camden while we went to the movies this Sunday. OMG!! I can't believe it! It's been forever since we got to go to the movies!!! I'm so excited!

Our only other plans is to get our Easter outfits for Easter Sunday (and for our annual family picture!). I found Camden this orange shirt & khaki pants so I think I'm going to build around that.

We got Camden a sand box last Saturday and he loves it. I stripped him down to his diaper and just let him roll around in it! I had to literally hose him off before I could take him in the house.

That's been about it for us.

So, till next time!