The Aromatic Bean, Home Coffee Roasting Equipment and Supplies

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Weekend Update

Okay, not really the weekend update, but I haven't blogged in some time so I've got to give the really short & sweet update on what's been going on with us.

Work has been going really well. I'm still getting used to the fact that my home is now my office. It has definate good points and, as with anything, bad points too! But, I am mostly satisfied with my decision. The only thing that I have to watch is sometimes getting alittle stir crazy!! For example, Friday, I never even got out of my pajamas!!!!! I mean I took a bath and all, but ran out of time to change into my regular clothes. On my break, I threw in some laundry. At lunch, I mopped the floor and folded clothes. Then on my next break, I thought...."What's the point? The day is practically over!!" It was great, but the point is I didn't leave the house ALL DAY LONG!! And it is getting to be the norm!! Once the guys get home, its dinner, bathtime, then bed. Oh well, I guess it could be worse!! I am making a pact to go out to eat with friends at least twice a week.

Camden has had pink eye and a really bad cough this week. We took him to the doctor on Tuesday for the pink eye and got medication for that. We mentioned to the doctor that he had the cough, but she just said to let it runs it's course. It went downhill from there!! Poor thing coughed so much and so hard, the daycare worker said she gave him Tylenol because he was hurting so much from coughing! I ended up taking him back to the doctor today and she prescribed a stronger cough medicine.

Other than that, he has been quite a mess! He has learned to open the bottom shelf of the entertainment center and use it as a step to climb up the thing!! GENIUS!! But, it scared me to death the first time I caught him doing it. He started to dance alot! He loves to dance with the Boohbahs. And let me tell you, he's got some rhythem!! Unfortunately, he didn't get it from me!! I discovered one of his "fears". Mr. Noodle from Elmo's World. He starts screaming and crying every time he see's Mr. Noodle. So Elmo is out for the time being!

For Danny and I, it's been the same old thing. Work & Home & Work & Home. Although, I am very proud of Danny. He stayed home with Camden on Tuesday and took care of him all day long. He did so well! He and Camden have really bonded here lately. Danny took over my duty of taking him & picking Camden up from school. And they both really enjoy it!!

That's it for I've got to catch up READING my favorite blogs!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Chair Shopping

My goal for the day is to get myself a decent office chair. The one I have is KILLING my back! I've convinced Danny to follow me to Office Depot to pick it up and also to pick up a filing cabinet.

I never realized how much I took for granted having the "SUPPLY ROOM" just a few steps away from my office. Now, being at home, I'm always thinking of stuff I need---post it notes (LOVE THEM!!), files, organizers, etc. etc.

But it is worth it! Friday, I worked in sweatpants......SWEATPANTS!! Can you believe it??!!!???!! I also had time to finish up the laundry during lunch and to start supper for the boys. So far, so good!

Camden is walking up a storm! His new favorite thing is going outside. He wants to be outside ALL THE TIME!! He is even learning to knobs to pull and turn---GRRREEAAATTT!! He behaved so perfectly at the grocery store---he was being so charming, blowing kisses at the checker and everything.

Too Cute for WORDS!!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

I'm Happy

I'm pretty happy!!! I'm happy at my job, I'm happy at home......I'm just disgustingly HAPPY!!!

I suppose you just get bogged down with the day to day stuff and it really takes a JOLT to get you revived and refreshed! I can't believe that I got this job and that I enjoy it so much! I've worked with the most awesome people the last few weeks.....I literally have to PINCH myself because I feel so LUCKY!! And the deal is, I believe they are totally genuine in what they tell's been such a long time since I've met totally genunine honest people with no agenda or catty-ness.....AND IT IS WONDERFUL!

The good part is this.....when you are happy in one part of your life it just automatically spills over to the rest. I was happy before with my family, of course......but just being satisfied in the other "big" area of my life just makes the family life even better!

On another note (this is for AMY & Carrissa!), Camden threw the BIGGEST hissy fit in the ear doctor's Saturday! Super embarrassing!! We were waiting for Danny to get his eyes checked and Camden started up. I had to leave the office because the screaming was literally bouncing off the walls. AND when I was lady looked at another who happened to have a teenage girl with her and said..'Isn't that good birth control!"

Yes. Yes it is!!