The Aromatic Bean, Home Coffee Roasting Equipment and Supplies

Thursday, September 29, 2005


He slept all night, He slept all night!!
I woke up this morning feeling nice & bright!

He slept all night, He slept all night!!
My head doesn't feel like it's been run over by a bike!

He slept all night, He slept all night!
Oh my goodness, How I love that tyke!

Oh......Did I mention, He slept ALL NIGHT!!!

Okay, I guess I'm feeling pretty giddy that I actually got eight hours sleep for the first time in SEVERAL days!!

Woo hoo!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I believe that Camden has an alternative plan to make me into a rambling, crazy, zombie mommy!

For the past several nights, he has woken up several times during the night. If I pick him up, USUALLY, he will fall back asleep within minutes. However, if I put him back down to bed, he starts crying as soon as his head hits the pillow!

Last night about 11:00, I checked him and made sure he wasn't sick, comforted him, then just put him back in the bed and let him cry it out. It was awful! I feel bad because I know he wants me to cuddle him and all, but I can't do this ALL THE TIME!! After about 30 minutes of screaming, he finally went down.

Then it started all over again about 2:30, I was up until about 4:00 a.m. I can't figure out what is wrong with him. I suspect it may be teething, but I figured the Tylenol would take care of that.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I picked Camden up at daycare and the worker said that while he was on the buggy ride that he broke out in hives again. I hope whatever he is allergic to eventually works out of his system. He has never broken out from the sun before!


Monday, September 26, 2005

We came through this weekend safe and sound! The bad weather mostly went east of us, so I am very thankful!

I did have an adventure with Camden. I fed him part of my carrot muffin thinking that would be a little treat for him. Welll......he broke out in hives ALL OVER HIS BODY!! I just about died! I called the doctor's office and talked to the nurse. She said since he had no difficulty breathing that I could just give him benadryll and rub hydrocortizone cream on the hives. We did what she suggested and they just came and went all day long. I felt terrible!!

I guess it was either the wheat or something that he had a reaction to. Geez, if this kid makes it to 18 with US as parents, God Bless Him!!

This morning he only had one hive on his leg and one on his back. I gave him a shot of benadryll and hopes they ALL GO AWAY!!

Several of the schools around here have been shut down due to the hurricane, but his day care was open. Okay, I was kind of hoping they would have been cancelled too, because I would have LOVED another day at home with him!!

Friday, September 23, 2005


This has been a really stressful week! I haven't seemed to catch up on my housework since the trip to Austin. In another two weeks, I've got to go back AGAIN--ugh! Then all the stuff from Hurricane Rita has just made people CRAZY!!

Danny wants me to make the dreaded trip to Wal-mart again to pick up more water and batteries. I am not a really big fan of Wal-mart, so on a normal circumstance, I don't like going. I REALLY am not going to enjoy the trip this time with everyone going bananas over the upcoming bad weather.

I think we will be fairly prepared. We have water, non-perishable foods, etc. Our house is all electric, so if the electricity goes out for an extended amount of time--that will be interesting!!

Camden has been a little toot this morning. He was into everything this morning. When I say 'NO' or even if I have to go as far as spanking his hand, he thinks its a game and will just laugh. I guess I have to work on sounding more convincing!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

I think people panick WAY too much!

Went to Walmart. All the drinking water is gone, batteries gone, and it was backed up to FOREVER! I picked up Camden's formula and just decided to wait out for the rest.

We've been watching the news all morning about Hurricane Rita. Ugh--it looks pretty scary!! I'm glad I am not in Houston, but its reported that it will get nasty here too---winds ranging from 40 to 75 miles per hour and tornados. And anyone who knows me knows I am extremely afraid of bad weather!!! I'm definately not looking forward to this at all!!

Can you believe that gas might go up to $4.00 per gallon. OUCH!!! That's going to hurt!

On a brighter note, I thought I lost my cell phone and was freaking out last night. But I found it underneath the passenger side of the car this morning. I AM SO RELIEVED!!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I take my RPA in TWO WEEKS.....yes, that's right in TWO WEEKS.

The deal is...I haven't studied at all!! And I need to really, really, really bad. It is an eight hour test and really hard. I took my Level III a few years back, but that was pre-Camden. It has been very difficult to find the time to study.

I'm stressing and just had to vent. Whew...feel better already!

Well people -

I think my husband officially freaked out last night!! I was feeding Camden (he is learning to self feed and is REALLY MESSY!!) and I was making chicken salad (did I mention, when I work in the kitchen, I am messy too!). When we both finished our respective tasks, it pretty much looked like a bomb exploded in the kitchen. Food everywhere, dishes here to there, etc, etc, etc. Anyway, I had to give Camden a bath because it was getting close to his bedtime and left the kitchen in a mess (to return to later and clean up!! I am a neat freak at heart!).

I guess Danny couldn't stand looking at the mess for a single minute! While I was giving Cam a bath, I heard him in the kitchen just a gritching! AND CLEANING!! It was stressful, but now at least I have a really clean kitchen!

The chicken salad is excellent (for those who like apples and walnuts). Here is the recipe!

Chicken, shredded (I get the Tyson chicken that is fully cooked & all you have to do is heat it up)
2 large celery ribs, chopped
2 green apples
3/4 cup walnuts, chopped
1 cup mayo
1 tbsp lime juice
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
salt & pepper to taste

Combine chicken, celery, apples & walnuts. Add mayo, a little at a time, just enough to join the ingredients. Add the lime juice & vinegar, salt & pepper, tasting to make sure the proportions are to your liking.

ADDITIONAL: I like halving an avocado and slicing the inside up (but leaving it in the skin) and topping the avocado with the chicken salad. It is so good and another way to get a serving of veggies!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I went to Austin last week for work and was gone for an entire week. My husband kept our baby for a whole week BY HIMSELF! He did a great job. Although, he had quite an adventure.

Camden got his first ear infection while I was gone. Danny had to get up during the night and comfort him. He took him to the doctor and got his medication. About that time, HE started getting sick! He called me in my hotel room and just sounded awful! I told him to call his mom and let her help him. He did, but she didn't stay too long with him. ANYHOW, Camden had two medications (antibotic and then a medication for his drainage). Danny got the medications mixed up and gave him the wrong dose of one of them. When he realized, he about had a HEART ATTACK!! Called the pharmacist and he said everything would be OK---the only side effect was that Camden would be WIRED for a few hours. HE WAS!!!

I am so glad to be back home! While being in such a cool city is really fun---there really is no place like HOME!!

Will eventually get pics and everything posted on the site---just been plain LAZY!!

Friday, September 09, 2005

I can't believe the technology nowadays! Believe it or not, I remember sitting in a college classroom hearing about the "INTERNET" and'll never catch on!! Ummmm....don't rely on me for stock picks or lottery numbers!!!

I am a relatively new mother. I had my beautiful baby boy on October 28, 2004 - - he is almost a year old. He is our only child, Camden Major (of course, the Major part is in honor of Major Applewhite---GO HORNS!).

Pondering for you ever sit back and as much as you love your family think....Geez, professionally, I could do more butttttttt, I have a kid now. Don't know why, but I have felt that way for a couple of days. Don't know if it just I feel I am in a rut or what. Hope it passes very soon!! I love my little boy more than life itself....I wasn't aware of how much WORK it was going to take. I guess I had what my husband calls a "rainbow and lollypop" view of motherhood.