We came through this weekend safe and sound! The bad weather mostly went east of us, so I am very thankful!
I did have an adventure with Camden. I fed him part of my carrot muffin thinking that would be a little treat for him. Welll......he broke out in hives ALL OVER HIS BODY!! I just about died! I called the doctor's office and talked to the nurse. She said since he had no difficulty breathing that I could just give him benadryll and rub hydrocortizone cream on the hives. We did what she suggested and they just came and went all day long. I felt terrible!!
I guess it was either the wheat or something that he had a reaction to. Geez, if this kid makes it to 18 with US as parents, God Bless Him!!
This morning he only had one hive on his leg and one on his back. I gave him a shot of benadryll and hopes they ALL GO AWAY!!
Several of the schools around here have been shut down due to the hurricane, but his day care was open. Okay, I was kind of hoping they would have been cancelled too, because I would have LOVED another day at home with him!!
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