I am considering cutting my hair! I'm tired of stringy, icky hair!
Here is the look that I am considering. Okay, picture it with brown hair, glasses, and kind of a chubby face.
Danny said he liked it....although, I know that he isn't crazy about short hair. I just don't feel put together or very professional with my whole look going on. I am supposed to go out to more client sites and I need to get myself together.
Camden went to his cousins birthday party today. It was at his great-grandparents house. They just got a new weiner dog named Mr. Wiggles. Camden had a ball. He chased the dog, hugged the dog, got tackled by the dog. And Mr. Wiggles was a champ. He never tried to snap or bite him. He was just having as much fun as Camden was.

I went to a client site for about 3 days and Camden got sick AGAIN when I was gone. It never fails, if I go out of town for any length of time, he will get an ear infection or a stomach virus. I guess it's written in the fine print of his owners manual....DANG I never read the fine print!!
Well folks, that is about as exciting as it's gotten around here! Till next time!