One Rough Week
It's been a rough week!
Camden was still sick on Monday. So Danny took him to the doctor and got the diagnosis.....herpangina. I was freaked out....WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT????
It turned out to be sort of like foot & mouth disease. He had sores in the back of his throat and the doctor said they were extremely painful. Which explained why he refused to eat. Unfortunately, they are caused by a virus so there really isn't much treatment other than tylenol to keep him comfortable.
He was out of day care for the entire week. Danny took off M-W and I took off Th-F. It was nice having them around during the day but extremely distracting!!! I kept wanting to check up on them and see what they were doing. I just really enjoyed having them with me.
Then he developed a really bad cough on Wednesday that just got steadily worse. So Friday---BACK to the doctor. So, we were in the doctor's office getting a strep test done....and Camden proceeded to throw the biggest kicking, screaming, melt-down of a temper tantrum in history to date. He's done that at home once or twice, but never really that bad out in public. When I'm at home, I just lay him on the couch and let him have at it and walk away. But, there I was, confined in an office with this screaming kid. I finally just picked him up, put him on my lap and let him scream it out. He's such the drama king. The doctor & nurses were all laughing because he kept it up for about 15 minutes straight. I was alittle embarrassed.
You think that's it right??? Nope!! This morning, I was working support for my job, Danny had to go to the clinic because he was sick, Danny's brother came over to mow our yard and got sick and looked like he was about to pass out, and Camden fell on a toy and busted his lip open.....this all happened within about an HOUR.
Thank goodness, that is all over with. So I'm thinking I am going to relax for the rest of the Mother's Day weekend.
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